The Proposal
An industrial pit is being proposed in the heart of our community and countryside, and it threatens to change the landscape, environment, and quality of life for everyone in the area north of Ipswich. Below, you’ll find detailed information about the proposal and the significant impact it will have on our community.
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What is Being Proposed?
The proposed pit would:
Cover 22 football pitches of farmland, and create a hole the size of 420 Olympic swimming pools.
Bring air and noise pollution, and silica dust which could affect the health of the local community.
Operate for 16 years, with 252 HGV lorry movements per day (one every three minutes on average), affecting the residents within the local community and users of the local road networks.
Extract sand and gravel, leaving behind a scarred landscape until extraction ceases
Where Will It Be?
The proposed site is located next to the Fynn Valley Golf Club, just a couple of minutes drive from Valley Road, Ipswich – near Westerfield.

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The image above shows the site location and its proximity to homes and businesses. However, an industrial pit of this size will likely affect all residents north of Ipswich.

How Does This Impact Me?
The information on this page is obtained by the initial screening and scoping request. Click here to read more.
Stop the Quarry at Westerfield, Ipswich. Quarry most likely to affect villages of Westerfield, Tudderham, Swilland, Witnesham